2017年1月5日 星期四

[google] google sheet 限制

from:  https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!msg/docs/g8RkXItHY0M/ntC02cXtpMMJ

The maximum rows in Google Docs spreasheets only depends on the maximum number of cells in a spreadsheet. When you hve reached this maximum you most probably won't be able to add any more rows.
The theoretical limit of the number of rows in a spreadssheet is 200,000 rows, provided you have one sheet and a single cell wide column. See also the limits below.


  • Each spreadsheet can be up to 256 columns, or up to 200,000 cells, or up to 100 sheets -- whichever limit is reached first. There's no limit on number of rows.
  • Each spreadsheet can have up to 20,000 cells with formulas. Of this total, the following limits apply:
    • Up to 1,000 GoogleFinance formulas
    • Up to 1,000 GoogleLookup formulas
    • Up to 50 Import formulas
  • You have a limit of 1000 spreadsheets. The spreadsheets that are shared with you do not count against 1000 limit.
  • The limit on spreadsheets open at one time is 11.
  • You can import spreadsheets up to approximately 1 Mb in xls, csv, or ods, txt, tsv, tsb format.

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